Friday, January 28, 2005

My room. working on fixing a computer at the moment. thats why theres so many extra cables.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Electronics Bag Tag. dont know why... Posted by Hello

my electronics Bag Posted by Hello

cables under my desk. im sure on of them has to be a phone cable, doesent it? Posted by Hello

mr burleighs reflective jacket! Posted by Hello

Nokia 6210  Posted by Hello

me with a sledge hammer and a face mask...  Posted by Hello

me drinking coffee... Posted by Hello

snow covered car... Posted by Hello

Reflections Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 20, 2005

LSN MobBlog

LSN MobBlog

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

HP's AMD SLI workstation specs emerge

HP's AMD SLI workstation specs emerge. SOURCES CLAIMED HP will release the Opteron based xw9300 workstation which incorporates Nvidia SLI technology in mid-February